Yom HaZikaron – We remember
This Wednesday, we held an assembly at the Senior School to commemorate Yom HaZikaron. On this day, we remember, honour and mourn those who have lost their lives defending the state of Israel and in terror attacks.
The moving and meaningful ceremony was a collaborative effort, planned by the Hebrew teachers and run by the Hanhagah. Students were privileged to listen to Orit Elkayam, the Jewish Agency shlichah in Melbourne, who shared her personal journey with us. Orit lost one of her siblings during the first war in Lebanon and spoke of how bereavement can shape the choices one makes for years to come.
Kol Hakavod to all the students from different year levels who participated in the assembly. The atmosphere was appropriately sombre and the respectful attitude of our students enabled everyone to connect with the day in a way that was meaningful to them.
The Hebrew teachers: Michal, Keren, Hani and Loren